"soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur! Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr!

What do you think of when someone says the word "sleep"
What makes you sleep at all?
We know what sleeping is for our body and how it all rest, relaxes and replenishes overnight, but how do you actually sleep while sleeping?
As a student and a person doing a mini job, sleeping means only a small break, a short pause of a fast-paced world and a way of life.
Of course, I can say that I really do not really get a good rest while I'm sleeping.
There are several more mornings and beginnings of the day when I wake up even more tired than I had just before bed and just started sleeping.
When I look at the whole situation my life consists of:
Waking around 8: 30-8: 40 in the morning, after that I must wash the tooth, combing and everything that needs to be done to get to the right condition.
After that coffee! And in large quantities to make me feel so I could go on with my work day
Writing for college, learning, a little bit of writing, and about 17:10 going to work. Working hours are from 18:00 until 20:00 in the evening.
After completing my job I come home for half an hour to forty-five minutes.change my clothes shower and go to bed with all the necessary technology so that I can continue to study for the subject I currently have at the faculty. My work day ends only as long as my eyes does not go and tune in to sleep (which is about anywhere around 00:30 or even 01:00 pm)

Of course, there are times when I get very good sleep in less time and wake up without any problems. Repetitive, fresh and full of energy. But those days are a bit and can be listed on the fingers of one hand - monthly ....